Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Biography HSKS5

As I mentioned not to long ago - I joined the HSKS5 swap for the early summer. Part of our homework assignment for this week is to post a biography on our blog. Pretty good timing for me, as I planned on sharing some exciting news to explain why I haven't been blogging or crafting much and it is not related to work for once. So here we go...

I grew up with a set of fabulous parents and two younger brothers in Upstate NY (way upstate people - think middle of nowhere near the St. Lawrence Seaway/Canada). It was a pretty idealic childhood - small schools, close family, fun trips, etc.

When I graduated from high school (with all 55 of my classmates - I told you it was small), I went to a mid-sized private college in Western NY for Business/Economics. I met my husband my Freshman year and that was that - away went the boyfriend from home and we've been together ever since.

We purchased our first home a year after graduation and I started a job with my current employer. We married the following year and have been cruising along ever since through new positions ( w/same employer), MBA, Teaching Certification and Masters for my Hubby, etc. I've continued to maintain a close relationship with my family even with the 3.5hr drive. My Mom and I share similar hobbies and interests (reading, quilting, etc.), so we are always up for a trip or weekend that includes fabric shops and classes. In fact, in June we are heading to Vermont for the Quilt Festival. We went last year and had a blast.

Now we are moving on to a new phase in our life, we are expecting our first child! I'm not too far along yet so SHHHH! Most of my extended family doesn't read my blog, but they will find out soon enough. I found this cool tracker that I added to my side bar as we count down to the start of this new life.

Get your free online pregnancy calendar from WhatToExpect.com

To top it all off - we are also in the process of putting our current home on the market and finding one with some room for us to grow. I'm excited and have a few trepidations at the same time. That's probably a good thing right? I'm also tired and have all day and night "morning" sickness, so I haven't done any knitting or anything. Do you hear that people?!?! No knitting whatsoever for weeks. It is really weird - I feel a little lost, but too tired to do anything about it. Hopefully, I'll get some energy back in a few more weeks.

So that's me in a nutshell. Love my family, my job and my crazy busy life.....


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Yay! Yippy!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's so great.


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I was guessing that was what the news was when you went to Buffalo. Best wishes and good luck on everything with your house. I hope you find just what you're looking for in terms of a new home.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kati! That's great news!

Dorothy said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting!

Penelope said...

CONGRATS!! (I'm getting the need to make a few extra goodies in your HSKS package now...)

Dana said...

Congratulations! (Though I hear Hogwarts looks down on teen pregnancies HA HA HA.) It is such a joy to be pregnant and the tiredness will pass soon. I loved it, both times. :-) Hydrangea MacDuff (aka Dana)

Rebecca said...

Yay! Congratulations! I am so excited for you!